Rhino Level I course

In this comprehensive level I course you learn the basics and more of Rhinoceros.
After three days, you can work on your own merits, and you are able to draw almost everything. In the course we use the ‘Working woth Rhinoceros 5.0’ book, written by michiel van der kley, in which most topics are covered.


We follow this scheme as much as possible:

Day 1: Getting to know the program, drawing in 2D, building in 3D
9:00 – 12:30: getting acquainted to the program, NURBS and the meaning of surfacemodelling. Drawing in 2D in all kinds of ways,
13:15 – 16:30: The most used 3D techniques and a small introduction in Grasshopper.


Day 2: Materials, light and rendering
09:00 – 12:30: You are building a number of objects with the knowledge you gained in the first day.
13:15 – 16:30: You work with different kind of materials and lights.
Different renderengines, mapping and rendering are being explained



Day 3: Building you own work
09:00 – 12:30: You are being encouraged to build your own objects of choice, be it from work or your own scetches. Teachers will come up with suggestions as well.
13:15 – 16:30: The afternoon is used to zoom in on the commands and ways of working that make Rhino so special.